October Food Bank Challenge

Our annual food drive starts today and continues until October 28. The Peace River Food Bank has given us a list of most-needed items and we have assigned point values to each. The class which brings in the most points worth of food will win a pizza party courtesy of Peter and the folks at Mighty Peace GMC. Last year, the competition was fierce as the hallway slides were updated every day with a bar graph showing which homeroom was in the lead. We fully expect our #teamawesome students to show their generosity and community-mindedness again this year.
Here is the point schedule for the 2022 Food Bank Challenge. Teachers will use the unit size to determine how many points to assign to each non-perishable item as it comes in, for example a small box of cereal worth 2 points could be increased to 4 points for a larger size and a 2 kg bag of rolled oats will be upgraded to 4 points.
Nut Butter (500 g) = 3 points
Bag/box of dried pasta, rice or grains (500 g) = 1 point
Canned soup, vegetables, beans or fruit (400 ml) = 1 point
Canned meat (150 g) = 3 points
Jar of salsa or sauce (500 ml) = 3 points
Box of cereal (500 g) = 2 points
Cooking oil (1 l) = 4 points
Juice (1 l) = 2 points
Juice crystals (500 g) = 2 points
Jams, spreads (500 g) = 2 points
School snacks (500 g) = 2 points
Salad dressings, jams, and condiments (500 g) = 2 points
Any other items = 1 point each