Proud Member of the Peace River School Division Family

General Information

School Fees

School Fees

We do not charge a fee for textbook rentals. Parents are responsible for purchasing their own school supplies. Upon the approval of our School Council, we collect fees from students for participation in team sports, hot lunch, and other activities on a case-by-case basis.

Safe and Caring School

At T.A. Norris Middle School, we are serious about making sure your child is well taken care of while he/she is in our care. 

Locked-door Policy
After morning announcements, all the outside doors are locked. Only the main entryway door remains open. Parents, visitors, and students arriving late are asked to come through the main doors and check in at the office. At recesses, doors are unlocked by supervising teachers and relocked once students are safely inside.
Phone home Policy

We are a safe and caring school committed to keeping our students as safe as possible. Part of that commitment includes phoning home if students are marked absent if we haven’t heard from parents beforehand. Please call ahead if you know your child is sick, has a medical appointment, is late, or will be away for an extended period of time.  

School Messenger

We utilize an automated system to deliver text messages straight to your mobile phone. Parents can participate in this free service by texting "Y" or "Yes" to the short code 724665. In order to keep all communication lines flowing freely, we ask that you keep the school informed of any address or phone number changes.

Parent Visits

Due to the current pandemic restrictions, the following policy has been suspended:
Although parents are formally invited to special events at the school, parents are always welcome at the school any time. However, to ensure that learning is not being interrupted, please check into the office before going to the classroom or give us a courtesy call stating that you would like to spend some time in the classroom.


T.A. Norris has a designated staff member trained in the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. This program, developed in Norway, is designed to mitigate in incidences of intimidating, taunting and excluding behaviours.  The students and staff at our school also agree to follow these rules:

  • We will not bully others
  • We will help students who are bullied.
  • We will include students who are left out.
  • When we know somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.  

Accidents and Emergencies

Accidents and Illness

Should your child become injured or ill while at school, we will try to contact you at home or at work. If we cannot reach you we shall contact the Emergency Contact Person indicated on your registration form. We have an infirmary where sick children may rest until their parents arrive. We do not administer medication to children unless the doctor or pharmacist have  provide written instructions. Medication must come in original prescription bottles with clear instructions.

Students who are too ill to go outside for recess are usually too ill to be at school. This is particularly true in the case of severe colds. Sick children coming to school provide a source of infection for the other students. Sick children usually recuperate faster at home. Please keep your child at home if he/she is sick.

In an emergency which requires evacuation of the school building, students and staff will proceed to the gym of École des Quatre-Vents, Springfield Elementary or Peace River High School and will remain there until parents are able to pick students. In an emergency, whereby a student is injured, the following will occur:

  • first aid treat will be given by a staff member or nurse (if available)
  • parent or emergency contact person will be contacted
  • if hospital treatment is required, an ambulance may be called (depending on the injury) to take the student to the hospital

Please keep the school updated with changes in phone numbers and your child’s health concerns.

School Attire

Student Clothing

Creating a positive, productive learning environment is one of our priorities. In order to do this, we encourage all students to wear appropriate and safe clothing.

For example:

  • Wear appropriate footwear – both inside and outside.
  • Running shoes are required for gym classes. (please no black soles on shoes)
  • Hats are to be left in lockers and hoods are to stay down.
  • Clothing with reference to tobacco, drugs or alcohol and clothing with messsages or pictures that are vulgar, profane, or offensive are not permitted.

Parents are welcome to purchase t-shirts, hoodies, jackets, toques and other articles of clothing from Entripy Shops with our school logo.  A portion of each sale goes towards school improvements.  


T.A. Norris is Home of the Timberwolves! 

Our grade 7 & 8 students can play competitive Volleyball, Basketball, and Badminton.  The Cubs program is for grade 6 students who play the same sports in a fun environment with nearby schools.

Other extra-curricular sports programs which may be offered include archery, golf, cross-country running, and track and field. Swimming is part of the core curriculum for grade 5 & 6s and is offered as an exploratory subject for grade 7 & 8s.

Academies and Exploratories

The exploratory program at T.A. Norris is desgined to provide students choice and give them the opportunity to explore new topics, develop new skills and to enhance and engage in activities that they already show aptititude for. 

Exploratory Subjects

Our school is equipped with an Industrial Arts Lab and a Home Economics Room. Consequently, all our students in grade 5 & 6 take IA, Home Ec, and Art/Drama as exploratory subjects.  In grade 7 & 8, they take exploratory classes in these or other fields of study which meet learner outcomes outlined in the Alberta Edcuation Program of Studies.


During Terms 1 and 2, students have the opportunity to participate in our offsite Dance & Gymnastics Academy and Hockey Academy.  These are for students of all skill levels and taught by highly qualified instructors. Beginners are welcome! 

Parent Involvement


We have always been very happy with the number of parents who become involved in school activities. Should you wish to lend a hand, please contact the office or your child's teacher. Parents are asked to check out the Peace River School Division’s policy on School Volunteers if they are interested in helping out at the school.

Some activities that you may be interested in volunteering for include:

  • Help with our Nutrition Program
  • Volunteering for special events
  • Coaching competitive sports teams
  • Becoming a volunteer driver to help athletes get to tournaments
  • Supervising during field trips

Parents are also welcome to join the Parent Advisory Council.