December Virtue: Wisdom

Every month we are acknowledging students who exhibit virtues known in Indiginous cultures as the "Grandfather Teachings." We are proud to announce the recipients of the teacher-nominated awards for the December virtue of Wisdom:
Back Row:
Jordan Bennett (8A), Kenton Alook (6C), Alexander Kokora (5/6Fr), Korben Schamehorn (8Fr), Alexis Yuremchuk (7B), Benjamin MacFarlane (7A), Ethan Harpe (7Fr), Hannah Managtag (7C)
Front Row:
Cierra Fortier (8B), Austin Yuremchuk (6A), Myles McDonald (5A), Shresta Angusamy (6B)
Missing: Tommry Rosin (5B)
"Wisdom is represented by the Beaver. Wisdom means using your inherited gifts wisely and recognizing your differences and those of others in a kind and respectful way. Listening with clarity and a sound mind, combined with the experiences of life, is what we refer to as wisdom."