2022 Christmas Market

Nowadays, many wonder what happened to the days of old when communities came together, looked out for one another and treated each other like family. Well, we pride ourselves here at TA Norris on creating that family feeling where all students belong and feel part of the Team Awesome family.
Our Christmas market is one of our highlight events of the year. One cannot simply put into words the feelings that are created in the building and the buzz in the market room as students peruse the gifts to find that perfect gift for mom or dad, grandma or grandpa, kookum or mushum, auntie or uncle, or a sibling. The energy is literally palpable - truly magical - and we are so proud to be able to host such an event.
Of course, this would not be possible without the generous support of the community. From TA family members, businesses and other community members who are not connected to our school but heard about the great event and wanted to donate, we are eternally grateful and incredibly humbled by the outpouring of generosity you have all shown to make this event a success.
To the following community businesses, thank you so much for your gifts of products and or money towards this event:
Canadian Tire
Jewelry Box
Fitness On the Go
Value Drug Mart
Shopper Drug Mart
Dads and Lads
Mr. Mikes
Burnsie's Sports
Wet Willy's Wandwash
Another huge thank you to all community members, family, staff, and friends from near and far for your donations. Many families will have a happy Christmas with a little special something under the tree from their children who attend TA Norris school.
A very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, and productive New Year!