Happy Pi Day!

Happy Pi Day! Our classes have been working on memorizing the digits of Pi in preparation for March 14 (03.14). Every day this month we've added two more digits to the chain on our morning announcement and hallway slides as well as reading the book "Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi" during math classes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ4MbU8928c
Several of our students went above and beyond in an effort to win pies for their entire class. Congratulations to Janaya Leadlay (6Fr) who successfully recited 119 digits this morning! Check out our Facebook page to watch her performance. Second place went to Tristan Freeman (8A) with 103 digits and Orly Kasouf (5Fr) who followed close behind with 102 digits. All three classes will now get to enjoy their choice of pies on the day which suits them best.
Honourable mention goes to Olivia Vion (7C), Sam St. Jean (7B), Gracie Cardinal (7B), Jeremiah Hebert (7A), and Ryder Freeman (5B) for their impressive showings! This surely has the potential to become an annual and very yummy event at our school.
To further mark #piday (which just so happens to be Albert Einstein's birthday), every #teamawesome student in the school received a pencil with the first 58 digits of Pi engraved from the eraser down to the pointy tip.
Have fun today being totally irrational but well-rounded!