Proud Member of the Peace River School Division Family

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21 Dozen Smiles - May 2, 2024

A huge thank you to community-minded AGS Mechanical in Peace River for purchasing a smile cookie for every single student in our school today! Here are just a few photos of our kiddos enjoying their surprise snack this morning.

All proceeds from this year's campaign go to Always Find a Reason to Smile suicide awareness and prevention.

A special mention needs to go to the staff member at Tim Hortons who took the extra time to draw hearts for eyes and goofy smiles on some of the cookies. Your artistry brought even more smiles to our faces! 

Family Matters Week Lunch - February 23, 2024

Thank you to all parents, guardians, special aunties, kookums, and other valued caregivers who joined us for our annual "Eat Lunch with Your Child" day to celebrate Family Matters Week. There was homemade soup and Terri Bulldog's famous deep-fried bannock for everyone!

Christmas Market - December 20, 2023

Our 2023 Christmas Market was a big success! Students were able to browse through a huge selection of donated items and choose a present for a special someone in their family. Each item was gift-wrapped and students were given a card to write a special message letting that person know how much they mean to them. It was wonderful to see the smiles on children's faces as they left knowing that they would be able to add something under the tree this Christmas.

A heartfelt and special thank you to all who donated:

Fitness on the Go, Jewelry Box, Dads & Lads, Peavey Mart, Canadian Tire, Shoppers Drug Mart, Advanced Paramedic Ltd., Anchors & Arrows, GN Carriers, Canadian Dollar Store, OT Sports, HomeHardware

Jodi Roberts, Lila Clarke, Marlee Demas, Gillian Southern, Tracey Boucher, Stephanie Milley, Laura Guey, Katrina Randall-Martin, Judy Boyer, Denise Kennedy, Amanda McGillivray, Joan Blench, Phyllis Milligan, Lana Vassallo, Barb Kashuba, Kaye Tice, Jeralee Neufeld, Kim Holmes, Linda Lunden, Thorp Family, Barb Haines, Ryder Ouellet, Jeanette Danks, Brandy Giesbrecht, Janeen & Howard Johnson, Andrea Milligan, Rachelle Nickerson, Milo Vey, Lindsay Butz, Sheilla Neufeld, Lynn Petluk, Denise & Pat Morey, Shukla Family, Stevens Family - hopefully we have not missed anybody!!

Visit from Santa - December 19, 2023

Santa paid us a visit today as we finished off our annual Turkey Dinner for staff and students. As each student entered the gym, they were given a ticket. Numbers were called out and the student holding the ticket got to come up front and receive a small gift from Santa ... and a photo which may (or may not!) be treasured by parents.

Every Child Matters - September 13, 2023

Students have been adding their handprints to our Every Child Matters bulletin board display. Today, even Ben, the service dog, got in on the action! The National Day of Truth & Reconciliation falls on a Saturday this year, so we'll be wearing our Orange shirts on Friday, September 29th.

Gone fishing - June 8, 2023

This week Mr. Schamehorn’s Hunter Education and Hiking & Biking classes combined for an afternoon of fishing and exploring out at Wilderness Park. While no gigantic monsters were hauled in, we had some fish on the line and plenty of help from some great parent volunteers with hooks, snacks and gear.  We'll be back for sure!